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What is and why use Compost Tea?
Why Organic?

What is and why use Compost Tea?

At DiRonco Organics we brew our own compost tea in a 250 gallon brewer using various biological management products. We work closely with a soil scientist to provide the specific biology your landscape needs (which is why the soil sample testing is an important part of the process).

These products provide protection benefits from disease-causing organisms, eliminate the need for toxic chemicals, and reduce the stress of plants. Your soil will increase its water-holding capacity, saving you and the environment on water usage!

Why Organic?

Using organic products and methods is a safe, healthy, and natural lifestyle. The benefits go beyond helping to preserve our environment; they also benefit each one of us through better health. With brings the biggest benefit: when our families are healthy, we are happy!

Using only plant and animal ingredients for your lawn maintenance gives you peace of mind when you, your children and pets go barefoot in the grass. You don’t have to worry about harmful chemicals or pesticides harming your loved ones or being tracked back into your home. Now you can securely go out, lie down on your lawn with your children, count the stars and imagine the clouds as flying horses or birthday cake with candles!